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Shrimad Bhagwat Gita In Sanskrit Pdf

  1. Gita Mahatmya Slokas Pdf In Sanskrit

Gita Mahatmya Slokas Pdf In Sanskrit

Bhagavad gita hindi english pdfShrimad

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita referred to as simply the Gita. It is a 700 Shlokas – Sanskrit verses, Hindu scripture in Sanskrit that is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata. Here we shared hundred Best Bhagavad Gita quotes, PDF spoken by the Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield of the Kurukshetra. The Gita is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Krishna. Facing the duty as a warrior to fight the Dharma Yudhha or righteous war between Pandavas and Kauravas, Arjuna is counselled by Krishna to fulfill his Kshatriya duty as a warrior and establishing Dharma. The happiness which comes from long practice, which leads to the end of suffering, which at first is like poison, but at last like nectar – this kind of happiness arises from the serenity of one’s own mind.Hell has three hates: lust, anger and greed.He who has let go of hatredwho treats all beings with kindnessand compassion, who is always serene,unmoved by pain or pleasure,free of the “I” and “mine,”self-controlled, firm and patient,his whole mind focused on methat is the man I love best.